for octophonic tape and live cello
The piece was premiered on April 19th 2013. The live cello aspect of the the piece is missing. This is a reduction of the original 8 channel piece to a smaller stereo version.
For listening or performance purposes: Contact me regarding the octophonic stems.
in two parts
Exploring aspects of mental health issues, Dysthymia looks to artificially recreate or replicate a state of melancholy. A shifting environment that has a strong duality in both being unsettling and simultaneously comforting.
Prelude to Dysthymia (stereo)
Dysthymia (8 Channel - Octophonic)
Regarding octophonic stems, contact Jeremy.
Published by CEC
A Sequence of Altered Space
for didgerdoo and electronics.
Performance form the Annual Student Composer Symposium at UVIC. Composer Scott Jeffrey and Jeremy J. Hartmann perform a piece using Didgerdoo and electronics. Ipsum Sola (used in piece) is performance software that enables the user to perform audio manipulation on a single solo instrumentalist, like: control a incoming audio signal, manipulate that audio path with various DSP effects processing, mix effects in parallel, and spatialize audio output to a maximum of 8 speakers. In effect, this gives the performer the ability to spatialize, sample and manipulate audio in such a way that allows many possible sonic outcomes.
Into the Metaverse on Some Cosmological Bubble
A piece composed purely out of generative processes. Using the software program Beep Bleep ZOMG! J. J. Hartmann was able to create a dynamically moving piece that is never repeated or the same twice. The algorithmic processes determine every aspect of the piece with little input form the composer besides the construction of the program itself.
Experiment in the digital audio workflow
The next two electroacoustic piece are a sort of experiment. Using the same sound samples, two separate and distinct sound piece are formed. One using Logic, and the other Ableton Live:
DAW: Ableton Live
DAW: Logic Pro