for two piano and two percussion
Premiering March 2014.  PDF



Words by Elee Gardiner
Music by J. J. Hartmann

Premiered April 11th 2013


A secret language is sewn into the seams
a costumed language of rick-rack
plackets, pin tucks, gussets, pattern
that I dream as I sit plotting. Intention
feeds through the sewing machine. Some things
are not spoken of – pride or fear, the scheme
that cuts my mother tongue to ribbons. So clean
the knife a husband uses, his fist
shears off what I’m allowed, reinforcing
what he vows. Silence in the sewing
room: my fingers scream
across bolts and yards, smoothing myself
into the seam. He does not recognize
the cleverness or care about the messages
sewn along the seam: knife pleat, prick stitch
bar tack, whip stitch, flat-felled seams
pattern weights, roll lines, released
darts; I tell him what I mean.
Pressed against his skin
the drape of a different dream
basted and reinforced, stitches even and clean
I sing a secret violence deep into the seams.



choreography by Erika Mitsuhashi (alumni)
music by J. J. Hartmann

dancers: Michael Kong, Charlotte Newman, Robert Azevedo, Marisa Gold, Francesca Frewer, Katie DeVries
Video directed/edited by Sepehr Samimi

The ascension quintet:

Carol Hur, violin

Hyunah Cho, violin

Sarah Kwok, viola

Shin-Jung Nam, cello

Robyn Reekie, bass

ASCENSION was a collaboration of:
LOST LIGHT PRODUCTIONS (LLP) - Jordan Boivin, Jonathan Kim, James Kokol, Jacob Holt, Remy Siu

HONG KONG EXILE (HKX) - Milton Lim, Natalie Gan, Remy Siu

SFU MUSIC STUDENT UNION (MSU) - Remy Siu, Alex Mah, Jeremy J. Hartmann, Scott Jeffrey
Stage Manager: Christina Andreola

Assistant Stage Manager: Angelina Krahn

Technical Director: James Kokol (LLP)

Producer/Production Manager: Remy Siu (HKX + LLP)
Light Operator: Gabriel Raminhos 

Marketing/Posters: Sean Shin (photos), Remy Siu (HKX + LLP) & Jeremy J. Hartmann

Front of House: Davey Samuel Calderon 

Camera operators: Sepehr Samimi, Rheanna Toy, Christian Lai

special thanks to
David MacIntyre, Janet Danielson, Owen Underhill, Sheila Pineau, Sarah Vaness, Lorenz Yeung, Gary Harris, Barry Hegland, John MacFarlane, Mark Shieh, Leslie Shieh, Kiran Rai, Heather Lamb, Heather Blakemore, Brandi Elliot, Jaylene Pratt, Jonathan Hamilton, Jenn Wilson, Stefan Smulovitz





made from concentrate

Workshop at SFU with the Quatuor Bozzini in the Student Composers Kitchen 2012. 

Links: Web

Photo by Christopher Butterfield

Photo by Christopher Butterfield

Cluster M81


"And then, the Earth being small, mankind will migrate into space, and will cross the airless Saharas which separate planet from planet and sun from sun. The Earth will become a Holy Land which will be visited by pilgrims from all the quarters of the Universe. Finally, men will master the forces of Nature; they will become themselves architects of systems, manufacturers of worlds."

 - Winwood Reade, THE MARTYRDOM OF MAN, 1872


Photo by Hubble Space Telescope

Photo by Hubble Space Telescope

A Response to an inFlux of Concentrated Energy


New composition by J. J. Hartmann for Flute, Trombone, Alto Saxophone and Contrabass. It's based on the sounds of the Big Bang from the beginning of time.


Photo by : Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, recorded by the WMAP satellite.

Photo by : Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation, recorded by the WMAP satellite.