Presented the paper Enhanced Videogame Livestreaming (EVL) at CHI 2022
Chat with Daivik at the Almost Dropouts Podcast: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMz-mlFQqgI
Presented the paper Augmented Augmented Reality (AAR) and View-Dependent Effects at UIST 2020
Presented the paper Extend, Push, Pull at SIU 2020
Presented the system RealityCheck at CHI2019.
Presented the concept of Conformity as an orthogonal axis to Virtuality Continuum at the Novel Interaction Techniques for Collaboration in VR at CHI2018. See position paper.
GANs (Generative Adversarial Networks) are a exciting and new area of machine learning introduced by Ian Goodfellow back in 2014. This talk gives a high-level overview of the neural architecture and hints at its potential future implications.
Unicode AND THE Collation Algorithm
Introduction to the Unicode standard and the collation algorithm. Gives a brief overview of the unicode architecture before going into how the collation algorithm works and why it is vital for in our connected and modern society. (Transcript)